Thursday, September 20, 2007

Apology not accepted.

Im really sorry for not updating lately, its just ive been so busy working, driving, sleeping as well as respraying a coach (not easy over here). Ah sure im back now, and have a lot of news, more than i can bare to recall, At the moment im just back relaxing after having sprayed the 00MOPlaxton Premier ( Same as my beloved 00G bus) and have done another Stevie Wonder job on it.

Ive given a bit of thought to this, so took pictures so I can share with everyone across te globe that reads my blog (all 7 of you) so that you can wave the next time you see the bus with me driving her, as she is my new 'little baby'.

In the Meantime, ive managed to get Suzi 355 SZB back on the road again, and have gotten hold of another apprentice to lend a hand in the general arsing around, now that Mr Donohoe has become a leaving cert head!

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